I have nothing to post about but I am bored. I have a ton of things I could and should be doing but I don't want too. For all of those who care the Home Depot building thing is tomorrow starting at 9am. I am taking Ryan before we head up to camp.
We bought all the tile for the bathroom walls tonight. Kev layed the floor a couple nights ago. We have to tile the walls before I can do my plaster treatment on the walls. I am kinda excited about it. I will probably have to do after the wedding, still lots to do there. In fact I should be finishing the sewing, sorry Beth, I only have a few more table runners to go. I will post pictures of the bathroom as we make more progress.
Ryan had the best day at school today. He is feeling a lot better. He loves his teacher. He got to do gym, art and music this week for the first time. He loved them all. The only thing he doesn't like is the afternoon car pool, none of the first graders are doing well with it. But they say it gets better with each day. I am very proud of him. He is even excited about being in the wedding, I figured he'd be freaked out but not so much. He is really looking forward to camp too. I'm not sure why but I am glad.
Well I have nothing else to say, boring hunh. I guess I will check on my ebay stuff again, I'm sure nothing has changed since I checked last but oh well. Chow girls.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
for amanda

Here are pictures of our finished project for Amanda. Thank you all for your help. Let me know what you think. It is better in person the pictures aren't very good. The long one is the "card" itself. The tin is one I made at Archiver's a little bit ago and was waiting for a reason to use it. The other picture is to show how I packaged it. I folded it up and put a little pull here tab, as she pulls it each photo will pop up with our message. Hope you all like and more important I hope it makes Amanda smile and know we are thinking of her.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Bethany's Bouquets
Nintendo DS

My husband has gone crazy. He came home yesterday with a Nintendo DS for Ryan. He has just been waiting for a reason to buy it. Ryan was thrilled. His Gameboy Advance games work on it so that is good. The main reason they wanted it was because you can take it to Disney with you and download exclusive things in the parks for the pirates game. Kev also got Ryan the Zach and Cody game and he is so excited. The good thing is there is a lot of reading in the game so hopefully soon he'll be able to do it complete by himself soon. He and Daddy played together last night.
God's hands

Check out this picture Teri sent me in an e-mail yesterday. A girl took it in Northern Ohio. She sent it to her local news crew and they wanted to know where she took it because pictures like it have been popping up all over the country. It shows us, God is there watching over us. He has us in His hands.
So talking to Ryan last night, I asked him if he was scared about school today. He said NO. He said that when he got scared yesterday he prayed and it was better. If he got scared again, he just prayed again. All of my prayers and my baby's prayers were answered!
Monday, August 27, 2007
3rd Post for today!! Bathroom Update

Here are pictures of the progress on the bathroom. I FINALLY found floor tile and wall tiles I like. Kev got the new medicine in the wall in the new spot I wanted and I love it. Our bathtub came and has been installed. The floor and walls are back up and ready for tile. The vanity and sink have a faucet now and new knobs, now I love it, but it is still in the guest bedroom. We are going to do a venetian plaster on the walls, I just have to decide on the color. The bathtub is wonderful, we have all used it even though there is nothing else in there, we just had to try it out. It is deep and wide, and the jets are wonderful and the heater keeps the water nice and hot as long as you want to sit in it. I can't wait until it's all done. Lots of work to do but we are moving along!!
Ice Cream

Thank You GOD!!!

Today was the first day of school. I had been dreading this day for weeks, so has Ryan. I thought last night would be one of the longest of my life, but it went surprisingly well. Ryan went right to bed and went right to sleep. He slept very well. He got right up this morning and got ready. No problems getting in the car and getting out at school. He did so well. We are so very proud of him. He was very nervous and a little scared but he did it, and he smile (though forced) the whole time. The morning went so well. Thank you all for your prayers, they sure worked. My baby wasn't terrified and that is what I prayed for. Thank You God for answering my prayers and helping my baby. Now I just pray his day goes well so he has the confidence to get up and do it all again tomorrow. Oh and we are going out for ice cream after school, starting our own tradition. I will let you all know what he thought of his first day. Thanks again for the prayers.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Saturday at Lowe's

Ryan and I went to the Build and Grow with Lowe's again today. Grammy went with us. She couldn't believe they got to do all that for free. Today they got to build the planter and then plant seeds in the little pots. Ryan again loved it. Next time we are doing a bird/squirrel feeder but it is the day after Bethany and Aaron's wedding so I hope we can still go. It is really a great thing for the kids. Even little guys can do it with help. It is just hammering and everything has pre-drilled holes. You girls should really take all your boys, wow all of us have boys except little Olivia.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Something for Amanda
I came up with a little idea to let Amanda know we are thinking about her. Here's what we do. I would like anyone who wants to do it, to let me know in the comments and I will assign you a word. Then you take a picture of you, your child even a pet holding up a paper with that word. Post it on your blog, I will take it and print them. Then I'll put them in order and send them to Amanda and spell out our message. We will do...Get Well Soon. We love you Amanda. That is 7 words, if we need more we'll do a longer message. Let me know who wants to do it and we'll take our pictures and post them.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Our Day
Today we went to Ryan's school to help out his teacher from last year and to visit with his new teacher. It went really well. He loves his new classroom. He got to feed the 2 turtles they have, see his desk and find out that he and his teacher have something very important in common. They both love Jack Sparrow and Pirates of the Caribbean. SO he was very impressed with that. He also saw a butterfly coming out of it cocoon. By the end of the day it's wings had dried and it flew away. Then tonight was their open house. So he got to visit his room again and see his desk and cubby, plus his friends were there. They have divided the class into houses and they can earn points for good behavior in the halls and lunch room and stuff like that, The house that wins each quarter gets a golden goose trophy. Ryan loved this idea because it's just like Harry Potter. He is getting excited and worried about having to leave me but I think this teacher is going to be GREAT for him.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Bug Heaven

Ryan was in complete bug heaven tonight. He caught so many insects and also a frog. He was so excited, he and Daddy went out to swim and found 5 cicadas, a ton of katydid. But the best part was they found a walking stick. He was so excited, he ran in the house and said, "Mommy you have to come see the bug, I mean insect we caught" They rescued lots of bugs out of the pool including an assassin bug, which Ryan also thought was cool. He played with the frog for a few minutes before coming in, it was cute. He gets so sad to let everything go and say goodnight to them. It is very sweet, he truly loves all living things. Oh they also fed a spider, he was fascinated by that. He had a great night and it was great to see him so excited and have fun with Daddy.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Party Time
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Our Wedding
I have had requests for my wedding pictures so here they are. We got married October 16th, 2001. I have tried this a couple of times and it hasn't worked so hopefully this time it will. It takes forever for each picture so I will probably do a few post over the next couple days of different pictures. Okay the picture looks all black but I don't know if it will show up or not so I am going to post this one and see what happens.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sorry DAD

Okay, girls though my father is a goofball, that is true, he is also an awesome Grandpa. The boys love that he is crazy. They love to have fun with their silly grandpa. That didn't sound like much of an apology , Oh well. Seriously, our dad is great. He'd do anything for any of us whenever we need it. Ryan's seriously does adore Papa Fweet!!! He loves Dad's house because of all the bugs, frogs and ponds but especially because he is allowed to explore it all, he has the run of the place without being afraid of getting in trouble. He thinks Papa knows everything about bugs and frogs, and in Ryan's book that makes you king! He does fun things for and with the boys, like jumping in leaves WITH them or getting in a baby pool WITH them. He was the same kind of Dad. Thanks Dad.
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