Here are pictures of the progress on the bathroom. I FINALLY found floor tile and wall tiles I like. Kev got the new medicine in the wall in the new spot I wanted and I love it. Our bathtub came and has been installed. The floor and walls are back up and ready for tile. The vanity and sink have a faucet now and new knobs, now I love it, but it is still in the guest bedroom. We are going to do a venetian plaster on the walls, I just have to decide on the color. The bathtub is wonderful, we have all used it even though there is nothing else in there, we just had to try it out. It is deep and wide, and the jets are wonderful and the heater keeps the water nice and hot as long as you want to sit in it. I can't wait until it's all done. Lots of work to do but we are moving along!!
Good luck on the rest of your project.Lookin` good so far.I bet that felt good to relax in there. You`ll have more of those days to come.Enjoy
Looks good so far!! All I could think of when you described the tub as being deep and wide was that song.......deep and wide, deep and wide, there's a fountain flowing deep and wide! ha ha
When I first looked at the picture, I thought the purple was the color of the bathroom. It is the color of our bathroom, ha ha. Then I zoomed and saw it was the drywall. I would love a tub that stayed hot. Although I would fall asleep and never get out!
Sounds like its coming a lot really well! I love the Venetian plaster...I was just talking to someone about that today!
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