Sunday, August 5, 2007

Wonderful Weekend

Our weekend started out great. Kevin and Ryan went to the movies, shopping and to IHOP Friday night. I got to stay home and scrap. I got 12 pages done. I was so happy. It was also wonderful for Ryan to have some time away from me. When he got home he was so pumped up he couldn't wait to tell me everything. It was really cute.

Saturday I got up at 7:30AM and Julia and I went to Archiver's for their make it take it weekend. They had some GREAT sales going on, we had GREAT coupons and got lots of goodies. The make it take its were good, but it always makes me spend more money because I want all the supplies to do them again. We had a lot of fun. When we got home Kevin went to play golf and Ryan I went to an auction with Dad. Ryan was just dying to go. He was very well behaved there and had lots of fun. But the best part is he showed some independence. He went to the little snack area by himself, let David take him to the bathroom and even waited inside while i took stuff to the car. These are all big deals for Ryan, he is really attached again, now that we spend 24/7 together with no school to break it up. He is getting really nervous about school.

Sunday I an still in my jammies and just chilling. I have been very busy this weekend, so now I am relaxing. Sorry to all those who called and or e-mailed me I will gt back to you ll today. I haven't even checked my e-mails yet. I haven't been on the PC much. So that is our weekend. Hope yours was great. Chow.


Carrie said...

What a great weekend! I went to IHOP with my parents lastnight...the one on Colerain. I wanted to go try there new buttermilk chicken, but they were all out if chicken!!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

out of chicken??

Sounds great. I hope he is ready to go to school. i will pray for him. i hope your non-caf thing is going well so I can be an aunt again.

Amanda said...

I love IHOP's whole grain walnut pancakes and country omelot. Yum!

Did you get anything neat-o at the auction? Good for Ry.

I need to get some scrapping done. Too bad you don't live closer!

Cheryl said...

I am not trying to get pregnant. I have horrible insomnia and pms and they say cutting back the caffeine will help. I need sleep so I am giving it a try.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i don't believe you. i tried calling you to ask you personally but I couldn't get you. I request a little girl please.

Cheryl said...

come check the house for needles, I am not trying to get pregnant. I swear I am not trying to get pregnant, I wish I could BUT I AM NOT!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

ha that was funny... come check the house for needles!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

i figured it because you are off caf and you just went to that picnic and saw the doctor there. those were my clues

Char said...

Wow, your weekend sounds wonderful! I'm glad you got some scrappin done and that you were able to go to Archivers.
I'm sure Ryan will do great once school starts. :)