Ryan was in complete bug heaven tonight. He caught so many insects and also a frog. He was so excited, he and Daddy went out to swim and found 5 cicadas, a ton of katydid. But the best part was they found a walking stick. He was so excited, he ran in the house and said, "Mommy you have to come see the bug, I mean insect we caught" They rescued lots of bugs out of the pool including an assassin bug, which Ryan also thought was cool. He played with the frog for a few minutes before coming in, it was cute. He gets so sad to let everything go and say goodnight to them. It is very sweet, he truly loves all living things. Oh they also fed a spider, he was fascinated by that. He had a great night and it was great to see him so excited and have fun with Daddy.
neat bugsects I should have kept the huge praying mantis that tryed to attack me last week, you could have fed all those bugs and the frog to it just kidding
EWWWWWW!!! I get itchy just thinking about it!
those are great pictures. i have a hard time getting such close ones that look that good
EEEK I change my mind about coming for a swim in your poo! ha ha
Your going to swim in Cheryl's poo Crystal? Your gross!
Love the bug pictures. Your boy sounds just like my 2 little ones. I didn`t know you could catch cicadas, don`t they bite?
Sonya- you have to turn on thr little flower button on your camera to get close up ones like that.
Teri- no cicadas don't bite.
I love your insect pictures. He is a very cool kid to like bugs!
YUCK!!! I didn't realize I typed poo instead of pool! ha ha
Thanks for the tip on the flower button. I'm trying to figure out how to take better closeups of flowers and stuff. I love the bug that looks like a leaf!
frog - very cool.
bugs (especially the one in the top pic) - EEWWWWW!
tanis is loving it, though. he keeps making me scroll through the pics so he can see them again.
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