Ryan and I went to the Build and Grow with Lowe's again today. Grammy went with us. She couldn't believe they got to do all that for free. Today they got to build the planter and then plant seeds in the little pots. Ryan again loved it. Next time we are doing a bird/squirrel feeder but it is the day after Bethany and Aaron's wedding so I hope we can still go. It is really a great thing for the kids. Even little guys can do it with help. It is just hammering and everything has pre-drilled holes. You girls should really take all your boys, wow all of us have boys except little Olivia.
Wow, I had to do a double take........your mom looks just like MY mom in that picture!
That's a nice project! We have taken the boys in the past but not in awhile. Thanks for the reminder!
My Amanda Pic is up!
Oh, that looks so fun! I am so glad Ryan enjoys himself!
My Amanda sign is up too. Let me know what you think...honestly.
very cute.we need to do that
how old do the kids have to be?
By the way, Home Depot does it too!! They have it the first Saturday of the month and it's usually between 9 and noon. The ages are from 5 to 12 but I've taken Travis before when he was younger than 5. You just have to help more.
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