Thursday, August 2, 2007


I am 4 days into my no caffeine. The first few days were horrible, I had terrible headaches and felt like poopy!! I fell better now. I am thinking of cutting out pop all together. I don't know if I can do that but I am drinking a lot more water and other things now that I am not drinking caffeine. Why would I put myself through this you ask? Well it is suppose to help with my insomnia and general health so I am giving it a try.

Ryan and I went for a very refreshing swim this afternoon. And we may go fishing tonight IF he ever cleans up the family room. I cannot get that child to clean anything up without a major fight. We have taken the stuff away from him that he won't clean up, tried bribing him to clean his room. Nothing works I am about to pull out my hair. I am so tired of it!!

I have a lot to do today but I am a bit tired and don't feel like doing any of it. I have straightened up the living room and done the dishes but that is where it ends. I really want to scrap. I just can't get down there and get anything done without being interrupted. Oh this weekend Archiver's is having more make it take it's and we get extra hours and a free gift, so I am pumped. I can't wait. Maybe that will motivate me to get some stuff done.

Well I guess I have babbled enough. As you can see nothing much going on around here. I must go and run some errands. Good bye for now.


Carrie said...

Oh yes, I have cut out caffeine before and its no fun. During my pregnancy I was allowed one caffeinated drink a day and I really tryed to limit myself. I tryed doing it like once a week and its very hard! Its amazing you get hooked on it and don't realize it.

I hope you get to scrap sometime today! I've been trying to get all my pictures organized and my house has suffered from it! I only have time to do one thing!

Crystal said...

I only allow myself one cup of coffee a day and its when I first wake up. And then in the afternoon, I allow myself on soda and that's it for the day! The rest of the day, I drink, water, lemonade, and caffeine free sweet tea and green tea.

Cheryl said...

I have to drink NONE! ZERO that means no Dr pepper, I can't have just one, just can't do it. I can still have chocolate, just not drinking caffeine. I was practically peeing Mt dew and Dr pepper, I was living off the stuff. Well NO MORE. BUT anyone who see caffeine free dr pepper in a store please tell me, I can't find it any where.I will pay any amount of money, I must have my Pepper.

Amanda said...

I'd just like you to know that I did post a comment here yesterday and now it is gone......Did you go into a caffeineless induced rage and erase it?

Cheryl said...

No I didn't never saw it.

kellerie said...

it does get better after the first week or so - i gave up caffeine entirely for lent one year, and just never went back to drinking it. i used to drink 3-4 pepsi's a day. the withdrawal period was horrible, but i felt sooo much better after about 2 weeks.

hang in there!

SamandSawyersMom said...

i love it

Anonymous said...

I miss you!