Thursday, May 31, 2007
All Packed and Ready to go
I finally have everything done. Ok not done really but it is all packed and ready to go. I got everything embroidered that I needed to and everything for school. BUT my house is still a mess. Poor Mom. Oh well I will do what i can tonight. David dropped off all his stuff tonight. All I have to do is pack the cooler and grab the cameras and we are ready. I will send out your post cards as soon as I can. Thanks for all the good wish e-mails! I will keep you all updated as much as I can. For the 1st day I will post a lot, I have to spend 15 hours in the car with nothing to do but post. After that I can't make any promises. Oh I just thought of a great idea. I will make up a traveling game for you guys. You can play and I will be occupied in the car. I will buy a prize in Disney. What do you think? Oh good Kev just thought of a great game. Look for it tomorrow. Chow for now. Love ya all.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Award Breakfast

We are so proud of Ryan. He was so cute at the breakfast. They called everyone up on stage 1 at a time and read what their teacher had written about them. Ryan was first, he walked up there so fast and so proud, it was adorable. Mrs. Dunigan wrote wonderful things about Ryan, she said he was always very helpful and keeps her on her toes with lots of questions. He was so cute just standing there smiling. He got a certificate and a thing for a free kids meal at Texas Roadhouse. He was thrilled. The morning went very well.
Terrible Night
My baby spent the night vomiting. He complained that his stomach hurt before he went to bed. Then about 11:30 he started throwing up. There is nothing worse than having your baby so sick and saying "Mommy, help me" and nothing you can do. I just wanted to cry. I felt so bad for him and could do nothing. He was miserable. Then between bouts of vomit he was crying and begging me not to make him miss his awards breakfast this morning. Again I felt horrible. He finally stopped throwing up about 1:30 am and got some sleep. He seems fine now, so let's hope it's over for him. I feel quite yucky and queezy but ok so far. Kevin is realy ill but at work so let's hope it all clears up by Friday. I would hate to try and drive 15 hours with someone so sick. I will call David later and see how he is. We ate dinner with him last night for his birthday and of course he was here all day Sunday so I'm sure he'll get it too.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Great Weekend

We had a really good weekend. It was also very productive. Of course with my limited time getting even shorter it had to be. I got all my embroidery done. I am almost completely packed. I only have a few more things and I have it all. I just have to clean up the house again. We pretty much destroyed it this weekend. It shouldn't take me too long to get it back in shape tomorrow. We also have Kinder Haus, our last one before vacation. We had lots of fun for David's birthday. I lost 2 games pool volleyball. David got lots of trading pins and money to spend in Disney. I think he is getting excited. We also went to see Pirates today. It was really good. I hope they make more but I don't think they will. I will need to see it again to get everything. It is a very fast moving movie like the other 2. We all enjoyed it. Ryan and David dressed up as pirates to see it. Ryan had his whole Jack Sparrow outfit on. It was so cute. Only 4 more days until Disney. I am so excited and I am actually ready. I will keep you all updated on our trip, well as much as I can.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Some Pool Pics for amanda
Friday, May 25, 2007

On the way home from school today I saw a box turtle crossing the road. Of course Ryan begged me to get out and save him and I did. We brought him home. Ryan and I made him a little home in a box on the porch. He seems very happy. Ryan showed Nick and they both hunted bugs for him to eat. They found some worms and I cut up some strawberries and he ate them. So we have decided to keep him a while. When we are done with him or when we go on vacation Nick is going to keep him at his house. They are so excited. Tomorrow they are going to find him some grubs to eat. I think this will be good for them. They are really having fun so far. I am going to have to make him a more permanent home if they don't lose interest in it in a few days. I really don't see that happening. They can't decide on a name yet so we just call him, him. Oh and Violet was checking him out. He scared her a bit, she doesn't like when he moves. Well I must be off. Enjoy this beautiful day.
Front Yard
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Star Student
My baby came home with a letter from school saying he was chosen for The 4th Quarter Student Award. He is so proud. There is a breakfast and little ceremony next Wednesday. They pick someone from each class each quarter. They take their picture and hang them in the front of the school with a little note about each student written by their teacher. I will post pics from the breakfast on Wednesday. We are very proud!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Birthday Boy

Here is my big 6 year old. He had a wonderful birthday. He was very excited to take his CARS cupcakes into school. He got to do everything at school, pass everything out, all of calendar and take attendance. We went to Kinder Haus today and he was the only one there today. He loved it. Mrs. Krista also gave Ryan a little treat for his birthday. We also let Ryan pick where to have dinner. He chose Red Robin. Grandma Cuckoo went with us and then out for ice cream afterwards. After all that we let him stay up late and go swimming. He thanked me about 100 times for everything he got to do today. He was so sweet. I'm glad he had such a good day, we all did.
Monday, May 21, 2007
My Garden

Here are pictures of the start of my garden. Thursday evening Kevin brought the tiller home and we started my garden. We tilled it, then the next night we bought some plants. I planted them tonight. I planted lots of herbs in my deck boxes and tomatoes and peppers so far in my veggie garden. We also planted some more creeping phlox on my mound in the front yard and a few azleas by my roses. All the new plants and the mulch the yard looks really good. I will take pictures tomorrow nd post them. I want to get a few more veggies for the garden and then Ryan and I want to get a bird bath and some flowers to plant around it for one more part of the yard. I am now sitting outside on this beautiful evening watching Ry swim. Kevin is firing up the grill for some yummy burgers. We have a very nice night. I have also been pretty productive today. I got a few more things embroidered and some cleaning done. I even got a bit more packing done. Only 11 days to go. We re all getting excited. David is going to bring his stuff over Sunday and I will really have to kick it into gear and get everything else done. I got my nails done so I am very happy. I used to get them done every 2 weeks for years. I love nails, it is the only thing girly about me. Oh my Ryan is totally swimming around the pool. He is doing so well. This week is his last lesson, I am going to sign him up again for level 2 when we get back from Disney. Well I will check your blogs now before dinner. Chow ladies.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
The Ball Game

Here are the pictures of the ball agme Sonya requested. This was a fun game and the kids loved it. They had to hold the bouncy ball between them and run around the corn hole set. They fell a lot but they all laughed a lot too. It was really cool. They were really cute. Oh and the girls kicked some serious butt.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Perfect Party

Ryan's party went really well. I think all the kids had fun. They all got goodie bags and lots of prizes from the pinata. Ryan got so many wonderful gifts, he is very happy. The kids got to play on the playground together and we played some fun games. I like these silly pictures of Grandpa Sweet wearing the pinata and Grammy on the slide not quite big enough for her. Ryan was very excited to get his Dalmatian webkinz. I will post more later. Goodnight!!! I hope you all had a great day.
Quick Post before Party
Hey girlies. Right now things are a bit crazy around here. I just got done running all over the city picking up cakes balloons and various party supplies. Kevin, his Dad and some neighborhood kid are mulching my whole yard and Ryan and 4 neighbor kids are hunting bugs in the front. We are almost ready for the party just a few more things and I am off to decorate the park. We have added yet one more child so this should be fun. Ryan is very excited and is doing a good job of keeping himself busy and not asking if it is time yet. The other kids sure help. Well I am off ladies. I will post pics later of the part and my beautiful yard all mulched. Oh and we tilled a place in the back for my garden. More to come later. Chow for now.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Look at these.
I finally got out of that suitcase!! I was stuck in there for days until Kevin saw Amanda's comment and saved me. Here are some more pictures for you guys to look at. I hope you like them, they'll probably be up here for days!! Face it I am busy. Ryan's party is tomorrow. It has gotten totally out of control we now have about 15 kids coming...everyone pray for me!! I have so much to do I am starting to freak out...but Kevin reminded me that I always feel this way and it always all gets done. So here is your post...I hope to post again but who knows when!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Well my not so secret sister is actually my sister, how weird is that. I can tell you she just loves animals, she always has. She would love to dog sit for anyone anytime for free, just to spend time with dogs. HAHA I crack me up. I am in a mood today. Ok Sonya isn't an animal lover but she is great with kids. Her favorite color is blue, she is totally afraid of mice, she loves Barry Manilow (she has no taste in music), she is a total reality TV junkie. Oh I wish I had pictures of the time she dressed up for the Survivor finals. It was too funny. Sonya has an alter, her name is Sue and she spits a lot. Sonya is a goofball so she makes things fun. UMMM...what else. Well what do you all want to know about Sonya? She made up her own curse word as a child that only kids could was OJay. Don't say it out loud you are all too old, you will get in trouble. She is very creative and loves to make new things up to do with the kids. Ryan adores her, he thinks she is just hilarious. The crazier she acts the happier Ryan is. I will post more later. I know you all are but pray for Sonya, she is finally getting that tooth pulled and Let's pray that the tooth coming out helps with all the other pain. Chow ladies. Have a good night.
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