The Cincinnati Zoo came to Ryan's school last Thursday. They talked to the kids about animal habitats and brought 2 animals for them to see and pet. Ryan of course loved it. They all did. They saw a chinchilla and a bearded dragon. All the kids pet them both, no one was scared. They really enjoyed it and asked tons of great questions. They wanted to know everything, they even asked the lady to get out the globe and show them where the animals live. It is wonderful how kindergarteners enjoy everything and get so much out of every experience. I don't know when they out grow that but I hope it isn't anytime soon.
Oh how cute!!! I love stuff like that for the kids.......they are so excited and fascinated. I think that lasts for a while cause Daws is still like that and he's almost 8.
The chinchilla is so cute! I don't think I would have liked the lizard ugh!!
Oh that is sweet. Sammy just started loving animals TODAY. I kid you not. He watched Jeff Corvin on Discovery kids and he is hooked. He kept watching the animal shows and kept giving me all the facts about each animal or dinosaur.
I was happy to see one little girl properly dressed for kindergarten in that picture (besides Ryan). I love her dress. I have to wonder what in the heck was the mom of the girl in yellow thinking??? She is a beautiful girl in a "tell me" t-shirt. Come on!!!
I told Sammy that Ryan liked those animal shows too. He thought that was cool. He also told me he wanted to meet Steve Irwin. I couldn't tell him...
I actually think i have told him in the past but he didn't know him then. I definitely like frogs. Jeff showed us a huge one today. It was neat. Okay...I have toget dressed...bye.
The properly dressed girl is Madieline and she is always in a dress or cute outfit with matching shoes and hair stuff. She is adorable but she does kinda stick out. Hopefully she doesn't dress like that for too many years, she will be the stuck up rich girl. Or everyone will think she is. Seriously she is super sweet and sits across from Ryan. But she copies his work and gets in trouble for it. The yellow t-shirt is Eva and it says I am the big sister, she just had a baby brother who just came home after months in the hospital, forgive her for being proud!
How cool!
Gabe is amazed by lint somedays. I think the phase continues for a long time.
Heck, I am amazed by temporary tatoos and sugarless gum.
Amanda I hope he keeps that like you. I think people like that enjoy life a lot more. I am so thrilled every time he has on of these experience. It's another wonderful thing about being a mommy, you get to experience the world all over again through their eyes.
That is really great and I'm amazed that none of the kids were scared. When kids are little it is the best time to teach them about things because they still have that drive to learn and experience life to it's fullest.
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