On the way home from school today I saw a box turtle crossing the road. Of course Ryan begged me to get out and save him and I did. We brought him home. Ryan and I made him a little home in a box on the porch. He seems very happy. Ryan showed Nick and they both hunted bugs for him to eat. They found some worms and I cut up some strawberries and he ate them. So we have decided to keep him a while. When we are done with him or when we go on vacation Nick is going to keep him at his house. They are so excited. Tomorrow they are going to find him some grubs to eat. I think this will be good for them. They are really having fun so far. I am going to have to make him a more permanent home if they don't lose interest in it in a few days. I really don't see that happening. They can't decide on a name yet so we just call him, him. Oh and Violet was checking him out. He scared her a bit, she doesn't like when he moves. Well I must be off. Enjoy this beautiful day.
Oh, I just love turtles!!!! Cam and I had a pet turtle when he was Ryan's age and we absolutely loved him! We kept him for a whole year and then we let him go in the woods. His name was Michaelangelo after the Mutan Ninja turtles. He was the coolest turtle ever! I would put lettuce and carrots down for him to eat and he would dig thru the lettuce and carrots and eat all the grapes and strawberries first........it was a riot! We kept him in the house in a plastic bin with rocks, a bowl of water, sticks and dirt, he seemed very happy. We would also feed him a little turkey on Thanksgiving and stuff. I would love to have another one!
i love turtles
I actually remember Cam's turtle.
You do?? That's funny!
Just make sure Ry washes his hands really well after handling the turtle because some of them can carry salmanella. Usually it's the smaller ones that carry it but you can't be too careful.
I don't know if you've ever looked at Tim's blog or not (4 wheeling and stuff) in my favorites, but he just found a turtle in our yard the other day. The boys and I were gone though, so they didn't get to see it.
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