We are so proud of Ryan. He was so cute at the breakfast. They called everyone up on stage 1 at a time and read what their teacher had written about them. Ryan was first, he walked up there so fast and so proud, it was adorable. Mrs. Dunigan wrote wonderful things about Ryan, she said he was always very helpful and keeps her on her toes with lots of questions. He was so cute just standing there smiling. He got a certificate and a thing for a free kids meal at Texas Roadhouse. He was thrilled. The morning went very well.
I am glad he was able to go to the awards breakfast! Besides being a tad pale, you'd never know he had had a horrible night! I am sure you guys were very proud, and you should be. Yay for Ryan!
I bought a new pair of tennies this weekend. I told Sean they were for walking but it was really to make my time to the mailbox faster!!!
That is so neat! What a special thing for Ryan and for you guys too. He and you should be very proud. What a great way to end the school year too! Congrats Ryan!!!!
Congratulations Ry!!!! Did you cry Cheryl??? I bawled last year when Daws graduated from Kindergarten and got awards and stuff......it's sooo precious! By the way, you look good in that picture! Nice tan going on there!
oh how cool. i would have been a bawling mess. That is so special. Little did that principal know that he will be throwing up tonight.
we are proud of you ry!
Are you ready for Disney?!
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