My Mother's day was wonderful!! These are the presents Ryan made for me in school and in Kinder Haus. The vase of flowers and check book cover are from Kinder Haus. And the flower pot is decorated with Ryan's finger prints made into bugs and the flowers are pens. Ryan and Kevin woke me up with breakfast in bed. Wonderful waffles!! We really had a good. I got to take a wonderfully long nap, then we grilled steaks and baked potatoes. Kevin's parents and my Mom came over for dinner. It was a really nice day. I also got stainless steel pot I have been wanting from Cookswares. I then snuggled in my chair with my baby for a while before he finally fell asleep. I also got a ton this weekend. Most of the house, (the downstairs) is cleaned up, thanks to Kevin and I got 4 shirts embroidered and all the photo CD's for Ryan's class made. Very productive and nice weekend. Oh and we did lots of swimming. The pool felt wonderful. Well you are now all caught up on my life. I hope you all had a WONDERFUL weekend too. Chow ladies.
Those are sooo cute! Glad you had a good Mother's Day! Disney's right around the corner....YAY! Who will be watching your dogs??? I will watch your pool if you want! SM
Mom stays her and takes care of the zoo!!
Oh yeah, I should have figured that.....tell her I can watch the pool! SM
What cool presents! I love te homemade ones better than storebought! I hope my kids still make me stuff when they are in high school!
Breakfast in bed? Wow! We tried that once and I had to soak the sheets for the day.
You must have felt like a real queen yesterday! You deserve it!
How did the party go?
Are you ready for Disney? I am excited for my postcard!!! I do a couple of dry runs to the mail box each day just to practice for my postcard!!!
Amanda, you are funny! I wanna post card to girlie girl!
Okay, I have commented on this post three times, time for a new one!
oh your post was good but Amanda's comments had me cracking up (CRUP).
Those gifts are beautiful!!
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