My husband has gone crazy. He came home yesterday with a Nintendo DS for Ryan. He has just been waiting for a reason to buy it. Ryan was thrilled. His Gameboy Advance games work on it so that is good. The main reason they wanted it was because you can take it to Disney with you and download exclusive things in the parks for the pirates game. Kev also got Ryan the Zach and Cody game and he is so excited. The good thing is there is a lot of reading in the game so hopefully soon he'll be able to do it complete by himself soon. He and Daddy played together last night.
Shawn bought one for Dawson about 3 months ago and wanted to give it to him right away but I wouldn't let him give it to him for no reason. I made him save it for his birthday. Shawn is the same way! He always wants to give Daws all kinds of stuff for absolutely no reason but I always put my foot down, I don't want him to think he can just get everything handed to him.
Dawson's birthday is next month so he will be excited.......he has no idea that he's getting it! ha
I hope he doesn't read this...hahaha. I won't tell. Well yesterday was huge for Ryan, if you knew how bad his terror is about leaving you'd understand, we were shocked and so very relieved that he did so well. But that was over the top.
After we bought Sammy's gameboy, we saw kids at Ted and Joy's with those (DS) but I thought they were way newer and I was afraid the games would be harder to find, especially used ones. I told Steve that we could stick with the game boy (it had not been opened yet) since those games would be cheaper with the DS being out. I mean he's 5, the game boy was fine. He still plays plenty with his Leapster too.
I have finally stopped virtually all gifts for no reasons...big ones especially. It is so hard when you CAN buy em. When we have extra money (it has been awhile) it is tempting but I know (after much therapy...(lura and friends) that I am doing him no favors.
If Ryan continues to do so well but has bad days maybe you could do a chart with stickers...then he could earn his Star wars toys mom said you bought?? Two trash bags will last forever that way!
Awww...thats sweet!
I haven't encountered Matt wanting to buy Olivia something for no reason yet, but I am sure the day will come!
Kevin doesn't buy him much ever. I am the bad spoiler, I am trying to get better. He was really proud of Ryan and wanted to show him.
Oh how fun!!
I bet Kevin really wanted one for himself but he said he got it for Ryan. haha!!! That's how we work things in our family. ;)
I'm really happy for you guys and for Ryan. He must feel very proud of himself.
I like Sonya's sticker idea.
I have to comment here. First of all, this certainly was not a gift for "no reason".
Ryan handled himself and controlled his fears incredibly and certainly deserved to be recognized. The first recognition he got was all of us telling him how proud we were of him, which is great, but only sinks in so far for kids. By giving him something big, it made him remember something good about going to school instead of remembering his anxieties about it. This was suggested by school counselors and child psychologists as the right thing to do. The same way you potty train a child with small gifts from a basket, or a pee pee party, the premise is the same.
I am certainly one who spoils my child, but I want him to realize how special he is to me. Our time with each other is much more limited than any of us care to think about. I might live too much in the now, rather than later, but I want to make sure every minute counts.
Thanks for your $.02 worth, even if it wasn't worth that much.
That is what makes us all unique parents. We get to decide what is best for our family.
True, but no one asked for an opinion.
If your comment was directed at me, Kevin, I didn't mean to make you defensive.
I didn't give my opinion about what you do, I simply shared my own experience and story about Shawn buying Daws a Nintendo DS. I don't think I said in my comment anything about what YOU should do with your child.
I am very happy that Ryan overcame something that caused him so much anxiety. That is awesome.
No, it wasn't you Crystal. I have been reading the blogs for the last couple of weeks and there have been some inside comments here and there from a particular person and I had finally lost my patience. This is not the place to air things, so I will stop now. Thanks for all your supportive comments, it really is just me letting my temper get the best of me. I apologize.
Ok I hadn't even been on the blog since about 1pm this morning so I had no idea until now that all these comments were being made until I started getting e-mails. I don't think there was anything wrong with Kevin getting the DS, I was just shocked. In fact today we took Ryan to child therapy and she suggest we buy him a portable game system, (it is a therapy trick for anxiety). Charity Kev totally new you were kidding. Crystal I know you were only sharing your experience and quite frankly everyone's situation is different. Ryan is as thrilled with a happy meal toy as a gameboy. I understand we are all different and I really feel that is how it should be. I value all your opinions and enjoy blogging with you all.
i have no desire to enter the controversy, so. . .
you can download special stuff at disney to the nintendo ds? that's so cool! i want one.
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