This morning I took our 2 monsters to the vet. Yes, both of them at the same time. Wasn't that a wonderful thing to attempt. Neither one of them walks well on a leash, they are nuts. It wasn't too bad going in because they were excited. But after the horrors they went through in the vet they were freaked out. I nurse about the size of Bethany offered to take one of the girls out to the car for me. I gave her Mira, thinking she is the best behaved. Well the door opened up and that 98 pound monster shot out of the building dragging that poor little girl behind her. Of course Violet couldn't let Mira get out first so she drags me out into the parking lot. They are crazy!!!! We all made it home safely but from now they go everywhere separately or with both Kevin and me.
Oh the horrors they went through? They both had their ears shaved. Well under their ears, they hated it, the shaver scared Mira to death when they used it on Violet, she tried to scratch her way out the door. Then she peed on the table when they tried to touch her with it. It took the Dr and 2 nurses to hold her down, then they had to call in a third nurse to help them. It was nuts. Violet had to have her chest and neck shaved. The poor baby has a staff infection from her collar, it happened while we were gone. It looks nasty but the dr said it will be much better by tomorrow. They both have ear infections.
I have to spend 10 days treating them both. Poor Violet isn't going to be happy when I have to scrub her chest but it must be done to help her.
Anyway that was our crazy vet trip. Tomorrow I have to take the cat. That should be easier but no less stressful because he hates to leave the house and cries the whole time. Then he pees in his cage on the way home, EVERY TIME!!!