Here are some pictures of the new Mr. Potato head pieces. They were out of the big $50. potato heads so we had to get everything Ry needed in 2 boxes. I am the queen of shoving those pieces in the boxes. We got everything Ry needed and then I kept shoving. I will take a picture of all the pieces when we get back to the hotel. David just kept laughing because every time he thought I was finished I kept adding more. I just may have to fill some more boxes for a certain nephew I have with a birthday coming up. I'm not sure who likes the pieces better Sammy or Sonya. David is addicted to buying surprise VMK pins. He has spent over half his money on them so far. He is cracking me up. You buy a box with 2 pins in it but you don't know which 2. There are 10 all together but he keeps getting repeats and buying more. It is cute, I think he is having fun with it!!! OH here we go he is opening up his last box of pins for tonight. Oh no 2 more repeats. He says he is quitting pin trading but I bet he buys more tomorrow. I am hoping someone comes along and wants to trade for ones he doesn't have. We'll see. The picture of the big potato filled with pieces is the same size as the big one you can fill, just wanted to show you how big it was. Chow now.
I can't get over all the pieces - that is too cool!
We gave our sets to Lura because the triplets refused to accept that you put pieces in ONLY the Potato head holes, not your own!!!!
me again - forgot to mention how cute the picture of you is and I love the shirt!!!
That is a cute pic of you!!! Wow, those potato heads are really cool!
Those are so cool!!!!
You look so happy - DUH!! :)
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