Here are some quick answers to your questions. No we have never stayed there before. Not staying there in September WAY too expensive. Haven't tried the cheesecake yet, if I get over to that hotel I will if not, it is at the hotel we are staying at in September. We are staying at the Pop Century Resort in September for our whole trip. We only stayed at the Contemporary for the first 2 nights of this trip. We are now in our condo. You all did very well on the where are they now but the game continues with what attraction are they at. We will post pictures of things and you have to tell us which Disney attraction and which park. Hope you enjoy the pics. More to follow when I get the time.
The pictures don't do the room justice!! I give up, These are all I am posting right now. Blogger sucks. It takes about 10 minutes for each picture and then it posts 2 or 3 of each one and I have to delete them. I just don't have time for that. Sorry. I will try again later.
In the hotel room.
In the bathroom.
Do I win a prize?!
I am glad you are having fun! It sounds like you are having an amazing trip!
Wow, that hotel room is gorgeous!!!! I love the the colors and design of the bedroom.....just my style!!!! LOVE IT!
are you still using a stroller for ry? Sammy would never go for that. I bet it is easier.
I like mgm best...when are you going there??
I always used a stroller to carry stuff when Daws and Cam were older......it's much easier even though they don't ride in it, you can put all your crap in it and push it.....is that what you do??
WOW! That is gorgeous! I've dreamed of staying there before but we never have. I'm glad you got the chance to stay there. Were you able to see the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom from your resort?
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