Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Well I really have nothing to post about, which is kinda nice. We are back to our normal boring lives. Nothing really to talk about. I am getting ready for our weekend, lots to do there. We have gone out the last couple of nights for Kev's birthday. Last night we went to Montgomery Inn with Kev's parents. Then they came back home and had brownies. Nothing special but a nice family birthday. I have lots of cleaning to do. Tomorrow I am going to look at bridesmaids dresses with Bethany. Nothing else really to report. So there is a post. Bye bye now.
Monday, February 26, 2007
More pics Ry and Vy

Ryan and Violet played again in his huge box. This time Ryan turned off all the lights and they had flashlights. Well Violet wore a flashlight eyeball around her neck and Ryan used a lantern he had just made. They are so funny together, I really don't know what he would do without her. It's like her has a little sister to play with, only they fight less.
Our Day
I went shopping at my favorite scrapbook store today. I had some coupons I wanted to use. Then Ry and I went to Wal-mart to get Kev a birthday present from Ryan. We then stopped at McDonald's on the way home. We had a really nice time, Ry was very talkative and told me all about his day at school. He usually just says it was good, never any details. Well today he was full of them, he filled me in on everything. It was nice. I haven't gotten to use my new stuff yet because the 3 of us went out for Kevin's birthday tonight because we are going out with his parents tomorrow night. We went to UNO's Kevin's favorite pizza. Other than that my day consisted of dishes and straightening up. Tomorrow is my day with Ryan's class and Kinder Haus so we won't have much time for other stuff tomorrow. It's nice to finally be back to our normal schedule. This weekend we are going to go to Chicago. Kevin has to go for work on Monday so we are leaving Friday and making a long weekend of it. Ryan doesn't have school on Monday so it works out great. We are planning to go to the Aquarium and one of the Museums. I will post lots of pictures when we get back, or maybe while I am there depending on how much time I have in the evenings. Well it wasn't much but there is our day. Chow.
Just Loungin'

We had a lazy weekend this weekend it was pretty nice. We usually run around so much, it's nice to have nothing to do. Here are some pics of Ryan lounging around. I love the pic of him sleeping, he is just so comfy and relaxed. Also some pictures of our dumb dog laying on the back of our couch, she thinks she's a cat sometimes.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My Weekend
Well ladies I haven't been on much this weekend. I have spent most of the weekend napping and scrapping. Can you think of anything better...well you could add a bit of shopping. I was actually going to go to Archiver's today I have some coupons I need to use but I decided to go tomorrow. Just pure laziness. I have gotten 12 more pages done, I am now working on Summer 2004, I know I am behind but I am working on it. I am actually moving along pretty well now that I have gotten started. It's great being able to run down stairs and work a little during the week, leave it and then start right back up on the weekend. Now that I am organized it's easy to do. I take so many pictures and I want to scrap everything, I have to start cutting back or I will NEVER get caught up. Oh well I am having fun and getting some done that's all that matters. Hope you all have a good weekend.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Recipe for FUN

First you take a bored little boy, to that you add one HUGE box, then add one very tolerant and eager to please dog and there you have it hours of fun. You can add various toys, blankets or pillow to your liking, or even a folding chair, Ryan did. Ryan somehow got Violet to get in his box with him. She seemed happy in there as long as he was in with her. They sat in it and played for awhile and then they sat in it and watched TV. Once Ryan got tired of it he got out and Violet got in and took a nap. It was very cute. Mira was in jail all this time for stealing chicken nuggets.
Love Bug

Ryan gave Daddy his love bug he made him at school on Wednesday after his Valentine's Day party. They even decorated gift bags for wrapping. Daddy loved his Love bug. I think they turned out pretty good for something I came up with in about 10 minutes with only a clay pot and class room supplies. I hope the other parents liked them too.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Well I went to the doctor this evening. I have bronchitis again...surprise, surprise. I am now on drugs and an inhaler so I should be peachy again very soon. Ryan is feeling much better and Kevin is now more sick. Poor David will probably be sick just in time for the weekend. I got all my cutting and gluing done so that is good. We are watching CSI NYand then going to bed. Hope all are feeling better, Sammy and Travis, Amanda and anyone else who was sick. Maybe we can have a healthy blog next week.
OH NO Not Again

You aren't going to believe this but these are NOT the same pictures from yesterday. My rotten little booger dog did it again. She wasn't even out very long. The worst part is that Mira looks almost as bad but she knew she was in trouble so she wouldn't pose for a picture. Violet on the other hand was happy to sit and pose all day. She is proud of her dirty self.
The Boys

Ryan and David have been so cute today. They have been playing on the computer together all day, well since Ryan got home from school. This is Ryan's dream come true, he loves to play VMK but can't do it by himself, you have to be able to read. I find it very boring so I don't do it much with him, well David loves it and they are having a lot of fun together. Ryan only stops to play in his big box. He finally pulled over to the computer so he can do both. They are so funny. I am so glad Ryan has David to look up to and to learn from. He sees David as a kid like him but older, he wants to be like David which is fine by me. David is smart and very mature, a very good example for Ryan. Boy, I hope David doesn't read this. I would hate for my brother to hear me say nice things about him, I do have my sister rep to worry about. Anyway I had to post some of the pics I got of them. They just want me to stop bothering them.
New Kroger

I went to our new Kroger's this morning. It was their grand opening. They had tons of food samples and little free gifts. The Chiquita banana lady was there, fruit on her head and all. She gave me a key chain and a pencil. I got a bag of goodies from US Bank, canvas bag, coupon organizer, pens, grocery list pads, lots of little stuff. I also found the cutest little bunny potato heads, which of course I got for the boys easter baskets. There was a pink and blue one so I got one of each to give to Sawzy and Sam and then the blue one for Ryan. How cute are these. I think I may go back with Kev tonight so he can try some of the samples that I wouldn't try. Plus they had a HUGE fresh spice area and tons of Cajun spices. I think I will love to shopping there.
I am sick. I hate being sick. My rotten little germy child gave me his cold and now I think I have bronchitis AGAIN!! This chest hurts, I keep coughing, I am so tired and I have a ton to do. I have lots of homework. Yep, homework from school. I have lots to cut and glue and even more to cut, cut and cut. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. It is also picture day at school. I feel sorry for the photographer who has to try and get 21 5 year olds to look the same way and smile. Poor guy. well there is my whining for hoo poor me. Kevin is sick too. But Ryan is starting to feel better. Well I must do the dishes, feed Ryan and David, do laundry and then I am going to sit and watch my wonderful soaps which I am very behind on and cut out squares and triangles for the quilt Ryan's glass is making. So there you go, that is my day in a nut shell. Chow peeps.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Our Chocolate Lab

Violet was outside barking so I told Ryan to let her in. He went to the door and screamed and slammed the door. He came to me and said, "Either Violet turned into a chocolate lab or she found a mud puddle." Well here are the pictures of what I found when I came to the door. The thing is she was happy about it. I about killed myself carrying her in and putting her in her cage.
Reagan and Ryan

Ryan finally just took Reagan birthday present to school, her party has been canceled twice and he wanted her to have her stuff so bad he couldn't wait any longer. She loved everything he got. He made her a bracelet when I was making all of yours and she wore it the rest of the day. They are so darn cute together. They really get along so good. They hit it off last year in preschool and were both thrilled they were in the same class this year. Her family goes to Disney almost as often as we do, so they love to talk Disney together. They also both like littlest pet shop and webkinz so it's great.
Valentine's Party

Well we finally had the Valentine's party at Ry's school. It went very well, it was well thought out and orgaanized if I must say so myself. The kids had a great time. They really loved playing musical hearts. We had the cutest little love bug snack. They were so easy to make and really turned out cute. We did a love bug craft and the kids took home the love bugs they made last week for V-day gifts to the parents. I'll put a of pic up of Ryan's later once he gives it to Daddy. Mrs. Dunigan loved her birthday presents. The kids took turns walking around giving out their Valentine's which they really seemed to enjoy. We even had time for a book and a short Valentine's movie. Things went really smoothly, even the clean up. We had a great party.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Dentist

Ryan and I had dentist appointments today. Ry was a little nervous but he did very well. I on the other hand cried...Just kidding. BUT I did have a cavity I couldn't believe it, I brush, I floss and I even whiten but I have a cavity. It I have to go back on the 6th and get a cap. BOO HOO.
Mrs. Dunigan

Ryan absolutely adores Mrs. Dunigan. Yesterday was her birthday. We are going to celebrate her birthday at our Valentine's Party tomorrow, but Ryan insisted on giving her his gift today. He had Grandma Cuckoo make her a ceramic bear holding a box of candies. She loved it and gave him a huge hug. He also got her some stickers and stamps. She is really a sweet woman, perfect for a kindergarten teacher. We also baked M&M brownies for her birthday treat. She thanked Ryan for making her day so special when we left. He was beaming with pride.
Back to School
Well we finally went back to school today. It was very sad but sweet, they had a moment of silence for the poor little 4 grader who was killed. They asked everyone to keep the family in their thoughts and prayers. They had lots of grief consulars for anyone who needed them. They also sent a paper home with # numbers to call if your child had questions and you didn't know how to answer them or what to say to console them. They really had it together. It was nice.
Monday, February 19, 2007
my monday
Well I don't have much to share. I went to the grocery store and spent a lot of money because I was hungry. I made dinner, folded some laundry and I am now baking brownies for Ryan class tomorrow. It is his teacher's birthday so we are taking in a treat for her. I haven't even watched my soaps yet, which is too bad cause Charity put a little update on her blog which I read. Thanks Charity...Next time a little spoiler alert would be nice. I'm just kidding!! I am putting my child to bed and then I am looking forward to QUIET time!!! I can't wait. Other than that nothing special today. I am looking forward to getting back to normal life... no more snow days!! Well that is it for me. Chow...oh maybe I'll go down and scrap awhile? Maybe.
Weekend Update
Well my poor baby is still sick but getting a little better, he has a birthday party to go to tomorrow. He would just die if he missed it. I lost count on my pages but I finished another album and have done 32 pages since I cleaned my room up. I am so excited!! I did some shopping at Archiver's again today but I didn't get too much. I did my make it take its. I will post pictures after I put the pictures on them. We made a card, a photo frame and a photo cube. They are really cute. You know we saw a movie and then just hung out at home. It was a pretty good weekend and we still have one more day. Well Ryan and I do, Kev has to work tomorrow. I guess I should try to get some sleep now, Ryan doesn't sleep very well when he is sick so I need to grab some winks wherever I can get them. Night Night
General Hospital Update
Of course this is for Charity. OK here is a quick run down of the important stuff. The girl in the mask shot Manny's brother, he is alive but not doing well. robin lost all feeling. Sonny and Carly figured out the code for the briefcase. The jackal got the vault opened. Sonny traded the code for Carly's freedom, the code worked. Carly refused to go. Jason got Sam out with the black mask. The everything went fast and crazy. Jason attacked Mr. Craig and he dropped the detonator and the guy who was in the vault with Maxie picked it up. Craig told him to push the button but Maxie told him to stop. That gave Nicholas time to start to run with Robin in his arms and Emily right behind him. The masked girl grabbed the detonator and pushed the button. Someone knocked Emily down, Sonny grabbed Carly and covered her, everyone else just ran everywhere. Then it went to what we have seen 1000 times, Sam yelling for Jason, Nicholas running in for Emily. Then the explosion and you see Jason pick Elizabeth up and run. That's all i remember but in the "next time" previews the showed Sonny, Carly and Emily laying in the ruble. I read in a magazine that Jax will be back the end of February the 23 or something like that. That's it hope you see tomorrow.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Scrap Update

Well I did not spend all day in my scrap room but I did manage to get 10 pages done today. I couldn't believe it win I counted them. I have gotten so much done in the last 2 weeks, probably 25 to 30 pages. I am working much faster than I ever did before, maybe because I am so organized or so excited to be started again. Kevin says it's because usually a couple of us are working together so now there is more scrappin' and less yappin'. Such a funny man. We'll have to test that theory when my scrappin buddies are ready to get started again. I am going to post Ryan's pages on his blog.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Movie review
Well we are back from our movie. We saw Bridge to Terabithia I thought it was pretty good. Ryan really liked it but he has seen so much of it on the movie surfers on the Disney Channel he knew a lot of what was coming. It was a really sweet movie. I have seen the original or read the book so I had no idea what it was about. All in all it was pretty good but kinda sad.
Sweet Nectar of Life

Everyone who knows me knows I love my Dr. Pepper. I think I would die without it so I call it the sweet nectar of life. Anyway I don't know if I love Dr. Pepper more or if Violet loves the bottles more. That silly dog loves the bottles. She will sit and watch you drink the pop until you are finally finished and give her the bottle. SHe can be sound asleep and hear you screw the lid back on a bottle and be wide awake and begging for it. She has often stolen half full bottles and we have to chase her to get them back. She just loves them, her favorite thing is to take the caps off, then she chews up the whole bottle. She tries to grab the bottle out of your hand if you are just walking by with it. She is just obsessed with these bottle. It is actually very cute. All of our Goldens have cut their teeth on 2 liters or 20 oz bottles but they quickly grow out it but not Violet. There is nothing normal about this dog, but she is as sweet as can be.
New plan
Well I am not going to be scrapping all day. I did get 6 pages done but we are going to make it a family instead and I will scrap tomorrow. Ryan is still sick and upset that Grammy isn't coming so we are doing things together. He got 4 pages done in his Disney Album. It's an 8X8 album that is just his, I help by giving him supplies to choose from and doing all the cutting, then he glues everything down and I write whatever he says for his journaling. It is turning out to be a very cute album. We are going to go the movies at 7pm. Maybe some shopping before that. So I will be checking your blogs and yes Crystal I am back to posting. Tomorrow I am going to a make and take at my favorite scrapbook store with Julia. We get to make a couple of free things and then we pay a small amount and make some other cute stuff. The store does it 3 or 4 times a year and we always go, it is so cool and you get to try out all the new products and tools before buying anything. Then is will scrap my little heart out. It is so great to be doing what i love to do so much and then have all our family memories to show for it when I'm done. I do love to scrap.
Friday, February 16, 2007
May Fest Choir

David tried out for a choir for the Cincinnati area high schools, they sing all over. Next week they are going to be singing for a national radio show. These are the pictures from their concert last weekend. I didn't go but I am watching the DVD now, they sound really good. There are 62 kids from 23 different high schools in this area.
Game update
Well I m ending my game it just wasn't fun and David was kicking your butts. Here are the answers though. Oh I also I deleted round 3 because Lura scared me, you all had guest and given my full name and maiden name plus my dad's full name and little brothers full name. 1. The picture was taken at Binder Park Zoo in Kalamazoo, MI. 2. Kevin's kidney stone. 3. was David's eye 4. Was Ripley's aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN. David got almost all of them but he was at most of the trips and has seen all my photos. Crystal did the next best for things like zoo and aquarium. I will think of a game that is more fun when I get a chance. I think I will take David to Disney World in June for his prize. hahahaha
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Give A Cheer

Everyone give a cheer for Blendy Pens!!! About 3:30pm the wonderful UPS man dropped off the blendy pens I ordered for Ryan from QVC. We got them opened up and Ryan was off coloring, infact he still is. I got time to scrap, I got 5 almost 6 pages done. It is wonderful, sleepy dogs and a son that is happy doing something on his own and quiet. The top pictures are of how the day started out. WILD!! These guys were crazy. Our day actually turned out pretty good. All are HAPPY!!
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