Girls, I finally did it. I cleaned my scrap room up, everything is organized and I'm ready to go!!! I got a some gift cards to a GREAT scrapbooking store for Christmas and I haven't let myself spend them until I cleaned my room. Well I am going on a major shopping spree tomorrow. I am so excited and I can't wait to get back to what I love. Here are some pictures of my clean room, it is stuffed with stuff but I now know where everything is and can get to work!!!
HOLY COW! WOW! Do you think you have enough scrap stuff?? whoa baby! It looks good though! Very organized!
Is your favorite color, blue?? I've just noticed that alot of walls in your house are painted blue!
Kevin's favorite color is blue, mine is green. But I do like blue walls. In my scrap room I wanted something cheery. My hallway was suppose to be gray but it turned out light blue. My bedroom is navy blue, I love it.
Oh okay, I had just noticed there was alot of blue in your house so I figured it was somebody's favorite color! ha ha
Wow I am slobbering all over myself. i want to scrap!!!
Wow! That looks great! You even have a TV to watch while you scrap! I love it! It looks all organized and ready to go! :)
Let's scrap!!! Come on over
I can't I have nothing together...it will probably be years...that is so sad to me.
It would only be worth it if i did a whole weekend of it.
It's too bad you have nothing to work with....sigh...
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