Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Dentist

Ryan and I had dentist appointments today. Ry was a little nervous but he did very well. I on the other hand cried...Just kidding. BUT I did have a cavity I couldn't believe it, I brush, I floss and I even whiten but I have a cavity. It sucks...now I have to go back on the 6th and get a cap. BOO HOO.


Crystal said...

I am deathly afraid of the dentist! I feel like throwing up every time I have to go!!!! UGH!

SamandSawyersMom said...

i hate em too. where are the pictures of you in the chair?

Cheryl said...

Ryan didn't take any. I LOVE clean teeth so the dentist is my friend.

Crystal said...

Gimme a P O S T! ha ha Sorry, old habits die hard! SM

Char said...

I usually don't like the dentist that much anymore, but I do like it when I get my teeth cleaned. I used to love the dentist until after Jake was born because I didn't have any cavities until then!