Monday, February 19, 2007

General Hospital Update

Of course this is for Charity. OK here is a quick run down of the important stuff. The girl in the mask shot Manny's brother, he is alive but not doing well. robin lost all feeling. Sonny and Carly figured out the code for the briefcase. The jackal got the vault opened. Sonny traded the code for Carly's freedom, the code worked. Carly refused to go. Jason got Sam out with the black mask. The everything went fast and crazy. Jason attacked Mr. Craig and he dropped the detonator and the guy who was in the vault with Maxie picked it up. Craig told him to push the button but Maxie told him to stop. That gave Nicholas time to start to run with Robin in his arms and Emily right behind him. The masked girl grabbed the detonator and pushed the button. Someone knocked Emily down, Sonny grabbed Carly and covered her, everyone else just ran everywhere. Then it went to what we have seen 1000 times, Sam yelling for Jason, Nicholas running in for Emily. Then the explosion and you see Jason pick Elizabeth up and run. That's all i remember but in the "next time" previews the showed Sonny, Carly and Emily laying in the ruble. I read in a magazine that Jax will be back the end of February the 23 or something like that. That's it hope you see tomorrow.


Crystal said...

That was a good job, Cheryl! You didn't miss a thing! ha ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

i couldn't even read it

Char said...

Thanks a lot! That was really great! I WILL see it today! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I think one of these days Carly is going to get herself in a world of danger! Her involvement with this Russian guy is making me nervous!