Thursday, February 22, 2007


I am sick. I hate being sick. My rotten little germy child gave me his cold and now I think I have bronchitis AGAIN!! This chest hurts, I keep coughing, I am so tired and I have a ton to do. I have lots of homework. Yep, homework from school. I have lots to cut and glue and even more to cut, cut and cut. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. It is also picture day at school. I feel sorry for the photographer who has to try and get 21 5 year olds to look the same way and smile. Poor guy. well there is my whining for hoo poor me. Kevin is sick too. But Ryan is starting to feel better. Well I must do the dishes, feed Ryan and David, do laundry and then I am going to sit and watch my wonderful soaps which I am very behind on and cut out squares and triangles for the quilt Ryan's glass is making. So there you go, that is my day in a nut shell. Chow peeps.


Char said...

Sorry you are sick! That is NO fun! It seems like there are an awful lot of viruses going around these days or something. Are you going to the doctor soon?
Have fun doing your homework. hehe Glad Ryan is starting to feel better. Life always seems better when the kids aren't sick!
Have fun watching your soaps. What other ones do you watch besides GH?
Can I ask, who is David? He's in your posts a lot but I don't know who he is. :)

Cheryl said...

David is my little brother. I watch All my Children and One life to live. All the ABC soaps.

Crystal said...

You poor wittle thing! I sure hope you feel better! Gosh, it sure does seem like a lot of work to help out Ry's teacher! Do you have to buy everything or do they supply it? I used to watch all the ABC soaps years ago but I just couldn't keep up with all three so I just stuck with my favorite one GH and gave up the other two. I haven't watched All my kids or One life to live in years!

Crystal said...

David is her genius brother!

Cheryl said...

They supply everything. I only have this much to do because she is trying to get caught up from all the snow days. I volunteer to do it, she doesn't ask me too. I'm the only mom without a job and with no other kids.

Char said...

Oh ok! I was wondering who he was. haha
I used to watch all the soaps too, but I couldn't watch them all either, so I chose GH. I used to watch Days of our Lives at one time.

Crystal said...

Well that's very nice of you to do all of that for his class! He will remember how involved you were when he's older.