Thursday, February 1, 2007

My answers

I graduated from Norwood High School in 1991. I love to swim and have picnics in the summer and most off watch Ryan outside. He loves doing any and all outside activities. Favorite movie well I have a couple answers to that one Grease, I absolutely LOVE, and Lady and the Tramp, Good Will Hunting and most recent I guess the Pirate Movies but more because Ryan loves them so much. Favorite childhood memories are general things like playing with the hose in the summer or playing baseball all the time in our neighbors yard. Sitting on the wall in front of our house for hours with various friends doing various activities. I remember almost my whole childhood fondly, I think I am very lucky that way. I also have very fond Christmas memories like when we got our cabbage patch dolls, 2 each. And my many many pets. Rabbit, dogs, hamsters, gold fish you name it I had it, even hermit crabs. Well there is a little glimpse into my life. Oh I also remember when Ted and Joy scared us so bad Crystal peed her pants right there in their hallway...FUNNY!!!!


Crystal said...

I remember that too, I actually wrote a story about when we stayed with Ted and Joy when I was in the 7th grade and I got an A on the paper! That was so much fun. I thought of that as soon as I saw your question on what our fondest childhood memory was.......Ted and Joy were so much fun!

SamandSawyersMom said...

i don't remember much