Monday, February 12, 2007

New Game

Well ladies I think it is time for a new game if you all want to play. I can't do it right now because I have to have Kevin's help but I will tell you the game and the rules. Later tonight I will post the first round. I will post a picture of something and I will ask a simple question, like what is this, where is this, who's is this? Anyone with the right answer will get a point, the 1 at the end with the most points wins. Hopefully no one will cheat, you should post your answer BEFORE reading the rest of the comments/answers. I won't tell who is right until everyone has had a chance to answer. There is no time limits so you don't have to be tied to your PC. I will NOT be getting my pictures from the internet so you won't be able to look up the answers, just your imaginations. I hope you all have fun. I will start it sometime after 7 tonight. Let me know if you want to play so we know who to wait for answers.


Crystal said...

I wanna play only if you make me the winner! SAL Just kiddin, I'll play!

Lura said...

I'll play. I've been trying to think up a game too. Everything I've thought of is too easy to cheat at with the internet. Not that there are any cheaters among us... ha ha.

Cheryl said...

No, no cheater in this group...whatever.

Char said...

I'll play! Sorry so late!