Oh my we had so much fun in the snow this morning. We got all bundled up and out we went. The girls were crazy, they loved it. They chased each other and Ryan, which he thought was hilarious. They kept tackling him. Violet pushed her whole face down in the snow down to the ears. Ryan kept kicking snow up on Mira, she was covered and loving it. Ryan loves to make snow angels, he made them all over the yard. It wasn't even really that cold. I took about 60 pictures so I will post some of them, they are all really cute. I hope everyone finds time to play today. Ryan took the head off his snowman from last week and was playing with it, well Violet kept trying to steal it. When Ry finally through it down she rolled it all over the yard, it was so funny, she really worked hard at it. Ryan just kept laughing at her, it was all really great.
I love the picture of one of the dogs running with her ears up and fur blowing.........that's cool!
Those dogs are like his siblings, they really are.
Yeah he thinks of them that way, they are a HUGE part of our lives. He doesn't do anything without them.
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