Monday, February 26, 2007

Our Day

I went shopping at my favorite scrapbook store today. I had some coupons I wanted to use. Then Ry and I went to Wal-mart to get Kev a birthday present from Ryan. We then stopped at McDonald's on the way home. We had a really nice time, Ry was very talkative and told me all about his day at school. He usually just says it was good, never any details. Well today he was full of them, he filled me in on everything. It was nice. I haven't gotten to use my new stuff yet because the 3 of us went out for Kevin's birthday tonight because we are going out with his parents tomorrow night. We went to UNO's Kevin's favorite pizza. Other than that my day consisted of dishes and straightening up. Tomorrow is my day with Ryan's class and Kinder Haus so we won't have much time for other stuff tomorrow. It's nice to finally be back to our normal schedule. This weekend we are going to go to Chicago. Kevin has to go for work on Monday so we are leaving Friday and making a long weekend of it. Ryan doesn't have school on Monday so it works out great. We are planning to go to the Aquarium and one of the Museums. I will post lots of pictures when we get back, or maybe while I am there depending on how much time I have in the evenings. Well it wasn't much but there is our day. Chow.


SamandSawyersMom said...

Tell Oprah I said hello while you are there.
I love shopping with kids too (well a couple of them..not 5) Sammy is just getting to where he is asking for stuff especially if mom is with us. I need to nip that in the bud.
Have fun in the windy city

Crystal said...

WOW! I've always wanted to go to Chicago! Cam went last year with youth group and he loved it! I hope to go some day. Have a fabulous time!