Friday, March 30, 2007
I got nothin' to post about
You were suppose to sing my blog title. We were outside most of the evening tonight. It was just beautiful. I cleaned our porch, took everything off, swept and reorganized and purged a ton of outside toys. It looks nice. Kevin did the back deck and started getting the pool ready for opening. That is a ways off but he is getting prepared. My house is a mess but boy our yard and deck look good. Ryan and I are going to make toad homes tomorrow. we have to go buy some terracotta pots first. Ryan played with 2 toads in our yard for hours yesterday. He really loves animals of all kind and luckily we have tons of stuff in our yard all summer. We may go to see Meet the Robinsons sometime this weekend. Ryan really wants to see it, it looks kinda dumb to me but it may surprise me. Oh I got the most adorable pictures of Ryan pulling Violet around our yard in his wagon. It was so cute, she weights more than he does and he struggled to get her started but then pulled her all around. It was so cute she just laid there and let him pull her. I will post the pictures tomorrow.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
We finally watched The Devil wears Prada. I thought it was very good. I love Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streepe was wonderfully horrible in it. Very good movie.
I think this Craig thing has gone too far. I want Jason to just kill him. Oh and poor Jason I feel so bad for him, he would be a wonderful Daddy. Liz is SO SELFISH, I don't like her.
I think this Craig thing has gone too far. I want Jason to just kill him. Oh and poor Jason I feel so bad for him, he would be a wonderful Daddy. Liz is SO SELFISH, I don't like her.
AMerican Idol
Okay first let me say that I expected all of you to say something about Tuesday Idol, I mean about Sanaja's fohawk. What an idiot, I think he is now trying to be dumb, he is making fun. He knows there are people out there trying to keep him and I think he is pushing it as far as he can. I cannot believe he wasn't even in the bottom 3. He sucks. I didn't think Chris Sleigh would win and I don't think he thought he'd win it all BUT I would be very upset if I got kicked off before someone who can't sing and then tries to looks as dumb as he can to just stand out. If anyone who is really good goes before that I am just going to quit watching. And I am not even going to start watching next year. This is just stupid. I am going to have start voting my butt of this week, I guess I will have to pick my winner now and start voting. I will also have to start watching Idol in time to vote. Boy, these people with their dumb websites to save him are really making things are for me...haha. Oh Q102 has a website to end our misery but I can't remember what it is. Oh well see ya!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Harry Potter Glasses

We were at the party supply store the other day and they had a pack of Harry Potter glasses for a dollar so Ry just had to have them. He looks so cute in them, no one else does. I love the pick of him and Kevin, they are too funny. And of course the poor dogs had to wear them. Mira hated them but Violet had a bone and didn't really care. She walked around wearing them and laid on the floor just chewing her bone. Happy as can be. I love the one with the huge cowboy hat and goofy glasses. OK BYE BYE NOW
Requested pictures

Here are the pictures you all wanted to see. I really really hate feet so I let Thomas the most rotten cat in the world to be in the picture. Then I realized you couldn't see the polish color so i did zoom in on one foot. My nail polish changes colors in the sun. I painted my toes last night and could wait to get my toes in the sun to see if they really changed, well NO SUN. Oh sad I won't get to see my mauve turn to bronze today. Also here is a picture of Ryan's dinosaur terrarium, I hope you can see it, it wasn't easy to get the picture through plastic. It is very cute in person.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Cool Kinder Haus
We went to Kinder Haus today as we always do on Tuesdays. Today they did 2 really cool things I thought I would share. They made small terrarium for little plastic dinosaurs. They made them out of the baby food containers, the little Gerber ones. They were so cute. But the best part was so simple but the kids went crazy for it. They were junior paleontologist and had to excavate dinosaurs. She took small plastic dinosaurs and froze them in Dixie cups and the kids had to dig them out. They had little tools, a spoon, paint brush and a eye dropper with warm water. They all worked so hard to get those little dinos out and cheer every time someone broke theirs free.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Ryan has worn his cowboy hat everywhere all day. We went to pick Kevin up at work and Ryan went in to get him and wore it, then we went shopping still wearing it, and then to Long Horn's. It was so funny, I usually couldn't pay him to wear a hat. I may buy him a "safari hat" in Disney if he'll actually wear it, or maybe one of the like guide hats. He look adorable in them and these big ones really shade his face and neck. I finished my dog album today, it didn't take very long. I also went back and journaled and added some of my own touches to the pages I finished in class yesterday.
Oh I have a movie review for you. We watched Click last night. It was well interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Definitely NOT a family film, it was funny in parts and sad in others but had a predictable ending. I think it was pretty good, I'm glad I saw it on DVD rather than the theater. It's worth a watch on a boring afternoon or evening. I just didn't love it.
We are going to watch The Devil Wears Prada tonight. I'll let you all know how that is.
Night night now.
Oh I have a movie review for you. We watched Click last night. It was well interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Definitely NOT a family film, it was funny in parts and sad in others but had a predictable ending. I think it was pretty good, I'm glad I saw it on DVD rather than the theater. It's worth a watch on a boring afternoon or evening. I just didn't love it.
We are going to watch The Devil Wears Prada tonight. I'll let you all know how that is.
Night night now.
He's Gonna Be a Cowboy, Baby
Attention Scrappers
First let me tell you about a new product I used in my class yesterday. They are vellum dots, made by the same company that make glue dots. They are amazing and so easy. A must have for anyone who ever uses vellum. You can not see them, no darkness nothing. I usually use vellum tape which is good but does still show sometimes and you have to be so careful with it, keeping it clean and rubbing it really well on the paper. These you just touch the vellum to it and that's it. Now for the deals...everything at hobby lobby is on sale. Paper sheet and packaged are 50%off, Albums and refills 50% off, punches, stickers even rub-ons 50%, oh and all stamps.
Milk is on sale for $1.99 at wal-greens. toy r us has tons of toys buy 2 get the 3rd free. I may go get Ryan's b-day presents, almost everything he wants is on sale. K-mart has all lego sets buy one get one 50%off. I have to figure out what the best deal is to get the ones Ryan want for his birthday toys r us or k-mart. well those are my deals chow.
Milk is on sale for $1.99 at wal-greens. toy r us has tons of toys buy 2 get the 3rd free. I may go get Ryan's b-day presents, almost everything he wants is on sale. K-mart has all lego sets buy one get one 50%off. I have to figure out what the best deal is to get the ones Ryan want for his birthday toys r us or k-mart. well those are my deals chow.
Help me I'm LOST
Any LOST watchers out there? I have decided to go back and watch all the back episodes of LOST I have but I have a few missing. What happened to Echo? I know he died but how? I am watching the one from about 3 weeks ago and John is going North because of Echo's stick. If you can fill me in anyone, please do. Thanks
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Pet Album Class

Today I took my pet album class at Archiver's. It was really fun. The class lasted for 3 hours but we didn't get finished with the whole album. We got an album and all the supplies for all 20 pages. It was really a nice album, I will try to finish it later today or tomorrow. Here are some of the pages I finished. I also got tons of extra stuff for other pet pages so it worked out good, oh and a $5 off coupon. Of course I did some shopping and used my coupon. I had a couple other coupons to use too. So I got lots of goodies too. Fun day!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Wonderful Day
We had a wonderful day today on this beautiful day. We went to the park and played and went for a walk on the trails through the woods. Then when we came home Ryan played with the little boy across the street, finally kids in the neighborhood. They had a blast and I now have someone to talk too while he is playing outside, she loves to swim and wants to hang out in the pool with us this summer and best of all they are Disney nuts too. She has gone to Disney World many times and her husband is going for the first time in October. There son loves Aladdin and many other Disney characters. It is great. They just had a huge rainbow system out in, the boys played on that for a long time. Then we went to dinner at Red Robin's, Ryan's favorite place to eat. He was so good and ate all his food which never happens. He also read a book to Kevin and I, yes my baby is reading books to me. Oh he's so not a baby anymore, how sad. But I am so proud of the little man he is becoming. That is our great day, I hope you all had the same.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Ryan's Puzzles
A whole lota DOG

Bethany and Aaron came over this evening and brought Addie with them, she is now taller than Violet. She has gotten so big. The girls fought the entire time they were here. They had so much fun. Ryan was in complete Heaven, he got so many kisses. Violet has no just passed out on the floor, she my not move until the weekend, Boy wouldn't that be nice. We got a lot accomplished while they were here too. They have moved their wedding up so we have got to get moving. We choose a month and a theme for their couple bridal shower. so that was good. We are going to have a Luau in July. The wedding is now in September so we had to have the shower this summer. August was too close to the wedding and I will be gone for over half of June in Disney so July it is. The luau will be fun. We are going to decorate inside and out. We can use the pool so it will be great for our theme. Well I am watching Idol and then off to bed. chow.

I am so excited I ordered pictures from Wal-mart on Sunday night and I got them today. That so fast, I got 578 pictures for 15 cents each and got them in a day. I just picked them up and now I will have to organize them all...but after that I can scrap like crazy!!! Here are some pictures of the puzzle we got the other day for $2.00 each.
Webkinz Bag
Monday, March 19, 2007
Under the Deck
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Baseball with Daddy
Saturday Night
Yesterday Dad and Julia and David came over and I cut David's hair. Yes, I said I cut David's hair. For some reason he trust me to do it. Crazy BOY!! After that we went to an auction, where I bought myself some lovely roller skates for $5.00. Then we went bowling where my 5 year old beat me. And then to IHOP. We didn't get home until 1:30am. Ryan was awake for about 3 seconds when we got home. He had so much fun. He cracked me up bowling, it was glow bowl and they had music playing, he danced his little butt off. So that was our night.
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Howdy ladies. We started out our with pancakes...yum yum. I have gotten 8 scrapbook pages done and now have to order more pictures, that is a very slow process bit it must be done. Now we are watching Star Wars Episode 1 and the OSU Xavier game. Another lazy Saturday, you just gotta love'em. Here are some more pictures of my adorable dogs and child playing outside.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Outdoor Fun

I can finally put my pictures up of my adorable "kids" playing outside. I have been trying for so long, my wonderful husband finally figured it out and fixed it. Anyway here is my little monkey climbing on the one absolutely beautiful day we had. Also our rotten girls. I love the way Violet was playing tug o war with Ryan, she really loves her sticks.
Friday Update
I still can't post pictures, By the time I can I think he will be about 12. I am about to delete this whole stupid thing. This week started out beautiful and ended up rainy and cold but we enjoyed the good days while they lasted. I got 5 scrapbook pages done this week. I hope to get some done this weekend, I so love it. I am still working on June 2004 but I am moving right along. I did caught up on my soaps, well I am watching yesterday's GH now, so I will have something to watch this weekend. Other than that nothing more to report. I hope you all have a great weekend. Kevin is working on my picture problem so hopefully I will post 100 pictures by Monday. See ya girls.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Ok we went to the mall tonight and then to Longhorn's YUMMY!! Anyway the Disney store has T-shirt for 4.99. They are really nice ones, they are children place now you know. Anyway they have kids and adult tees for 4.99. We got lots of them, then I thought when i got home I should have gotten David a couple to match mine and Ry's. I may go back this weekend. The greatest deal I got was the 3-d puzzles, like the skeleton of different animals or the actually animal. Anyway it is a little both outside the elevator they are only 2 bucks. We saw them at the museum in Chicago for 24.99, I have also bought them for Ryan like at Michael's for 5 to 10 dollars for very small ones. I have pictures of a HUGE spider we got and some of the others in pictures but of course I still can't post them. They are really neat and teach kids how to follow the directions and then you have an awesome animal afterwards. 2 BUCKS...I bought 11. I will try to get pictures up as soon as I can because I know none of you has a clue what I am talking about. oh well chow.
General Hospital Spoiler Alert
Oh my gosh...Lulu knows about the baby!!! I know she will tell. Well Liz will be rich and Emily will be an aunt. I only feel sorry for Sam. I'm glad Jason won't be suffering anymore when the truth comes out...I love him. I really like him and Sam together. I wish a building would fall on Maxie, I can't stand that girl...can anyone say slut!! I also hope Carly stays with Sonny, I know you other GH girls feel differently but I don't like Jax. He was so horrible to Courtney and to poor Nicholas. I have gotten nothing done today and I like it. I will have to get out of my chair eventually and do something but I am enjoying just sitting here with my laptop and my Tivo my favorite 2 material possessions. Boy my fingers aren't working today I looked up at the screen and everything is red. I must have hit 100 wrong keys. Oh well, I should leave it that way so you can all see how horrible I am at typing. Well I have rambled enough for now. Chow all.
I still can't post stupid pictures on this stupid blog!!!!! But my day is going a little better. It certainly got better yesterday. I got some scrapping done. Then we just chilled and watched some shows. Kevin had to take a dish into work today so he had to run to the store to get some stuff. When he got home I made his Layer Taco Salad and he then gave me more flowers. Carnations this time, it has only been a few days since he gave me the roses. I am going to send him to Kroger's everyday!! It's freezing and rainy outside and it's all my fault...sorry ladies. Every single time I buy new shoes it rains the next day, EVERYTIME. This time I am getting 2 days of it. I am now watching my soaps from yesterday. Well I must be off, just imagine pictures of my adorable son up in a tree.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
For crystal
I can't e-mail you so here is the info you wanted, you can get my e-mail address from Sonya if you can't get one to go thru. You can usually get Webkinz at Hallmark or Specialty toy stores, I usually get Ryan's from Kinder Haus. Unfortunately right now they are hard to come by, almost everyone is out of them. There is 1 store I know of that has them, it's call Pizzaz and it is in downtown Loveland, I could pick one up for you if you can't find them anywhere. Just let me know. The pickins are slim though. My e-mail address is my favorite place to go plus my old initials and I have road runner. from those clues you should be able to tell if you have the right one or not. You just sent me an e-mail about the bracelets?? weird.
Sucky Day
First I would like to say this stupid blogger still is not working for me but everyone else can post pictures. Not fair, not fair. Also I am having a very frustrating day, nothing is going right. This stupid thing, it took me 3 times longer than it should have to make a very simple bag for my son and his webkinz. I couldn't even get my bottle of Dr. Pepper opened, seriously thing is stuck, Kevin better get home soon. I need my Pepper. The only thing that worked right is the one thing I always fight with, my embroidery machine. I am just in a very bad mood, everything is making me mad. I am just fried today. On the up side I am caught up on my soaps to todays. I got all the stupid phones cut out for Ryan's class and I did finally finish the bag I have been promising to make Ry forever. I still need to go to the grocery store, we now have no milk and in this house that can mean death. Oh thank goodness Kevin is home and has opened my Dr.Pepper. He also brought me some Disney stickers from a Scrapbook store. Well I must go now, I am hungry and I think retail therapy is in order.
Stupid Blogger
I have been trying to post pictures of yesterday forever and this stupid thing keeps giving me errors. I am not posting again until I can do so with my pictures...GOODBYE
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Tuesday revised
Well we are home and I am blogging on my front porch, it is just beautiful out!!! My car said it was 80 degrees. Ryan and Violet are running around and being crazy, Mira is napping in the fresh air...WONDERFUL!! We got half of what we set out to do done, we didn't go to JoAnn's or the grocery. I got a GREAT deal on Ryan's shoes, they were suppose to be on sale for $29.99 but when we got up to the register they rang up for $17.99 for New Balance, I almost got him another pair but his feet grow so fast sometimes I would have no idea what size to buy. SO anyone who needs to buy shoes for their boys, go to Kohl's. I got a great deal on shoes for Kevin too. I got a pair for myself too, everything is on sale. I got tons of paper at Hobby Lobby and of course a few more necessary items. They had a huge clearance section. Ryan had fun at Kinder Haus and we also had Mc Donald's and stopped for soft serve on the way home. I just love this weather, it puts me in such a good mood. I wish i could scrap outside, now that would be the best of both worlds. The weather is going to Ryan's head, he said a few more days like this and Daddy has to open the pool. That boy is nuts, of course he would swim if there was ice floating in the water. Why can't kids feel cold water. One of Ryan's favorite things about this weather is everyone is out walking their dogs, he sits in the front yard and waits for people to go by so he can pet their dogs, well little miss jealous Violet won't let him go near the other dogs, she barks at them. She is such a snot. Mira couldn't care less. Well I have rambled on enough, I must go read all the new things I know you all have posted. Bye bye now.
Tuesday is our busiest day of the week, well planned day. It is Kinder Haus day and we usually run around afterwards since we are out anyway. Today we are going to buy everyone new shoes, then to hobby lobby to get the scrap paper that is on sale, then to JoAnn's for their big scrap sale and to get fabric to make Ryan a webkinz bag, then one more stop to the grocery. we have fun running around together. So that is our plan, we are off. Chowsy.
Monday, March 12, 2007
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