Thursday, March 15, 2007


I still can't post stupid pictures on this stupid blog!!!!! But my day is going a little better. It certainly got better yesterday. I got some scrapping done. Then we just chilled and watched some shows. Kevin had to take a dish into work today so he had to run to the store to get some stuff. When he got home I made his Layer Taco Salad and he then gave me more flowers. Carnations this time, it has only been a few days since he gave me the roses. I am going to send him to Kroger's everyday!! It's freezing and rainy outside and it's all my fault...sorry ladies. Every single time I buy new shoes it rains the next day, EVERYTIME. This time I am getting 2 days of it. I am now watching my soaps from yesterday. Well I must be off, just imagine pictures of my adorable son up in a tree.


Crystal said...

Goodness girlfriend, what's your secret??? How are you gettin all these flowers from your hubby??? I bet if you to Kroger, the flowers are on sale for a buck or something! haha Just kiddin! :)

girl, did you crack up when you watched Thursday's GH??? I actually belly laughed when Tracy kept talking to Allen's ghost and Luke told her to stop before men in white coats come in and throw a butterfly net over her! I swear I thought that was hilious!!! Luke makes me laugh all the time though.

Have you figured out why you can't post pictures yet?? The picture that I imagined of ry up in a tree is gorgeous! I love the outfit he's wearing and how he's wearing his hair and the cute little smile.......adoreable!!! SAL

Can you believe that Sanjaya made it thru again???? UGH! He just cannot sing well at all, what is wrong with people!? Shawn said he'd get thru again and he was right......drives me crazy cause even though all my favorites got thru this week, it makes me nervous that he's still there and he will stay and one of my favorites will go! Do you vote at all??? I vote alot! I don't want to regret the results if I don't vote.

well, I guess I talked your ear off now. I will check my email when I get home. I'm sure you've emailed me back by now! Chow sista!

Crystal said...

Oh and thanks alot for the yucky rain! The fact that you bought new shoes for your whole family probably caused it to rain for two days instead of one.....who knows maybe it will rain one day for each pair you bought! Please tell me you didn't buy more than three, I can't take the rain!!

Cheryl said...

I haven't watched Idol yet. I think it is hilarious that Tracy is seeing Alan everywhere. you realize when she finally confuses that the real will will be in effect and Liz's baby would get almost all Alan's money. And the plot thickens!! I'm glad you are enjoying your mental picture of Ryan. Kev told me to try from my regular PC and see if it is just my laptop or blogger?

Crystal said...
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Cheryl said...

I knew who left already. I heard it on the radio.

Carrie said...

I sure would like flowers from my husband!! He didn't give me anything for giving birth, how sucky is that!!!
I am glad to hear your day got better!
Thanks for making it rain, seriously, it forces myself to rest when I need to!!!

Amanda said...

I am sorry that you can't post pics, but I am happy that it isn't just me!!! Hope you figure it out, then let me in on the secret!!!