Monday, March 26, 2007

Help me I'm LOST

Any LOST watchers out there? I have decided to go back and watch all the back episodes of LOST I have but I have a few missing. What happened to Echo? I know he died but how? I am watching the one from about 3 weeks ago and John is going North because of Echo's stick. If you can fill me in anyone, please do. Thanks


SamandSawyersMom said...

I can't beleive you don't know. Well Echo was dying to know how he got his name so he started exploring all the places that had large echos like caves, mountainsides and national parks only to find that his mother knew his plan and didn't want him to find the informaiton out, so she killed him with a rock. I mean she actually killed him by rock...not a nice way to go. The crazy thing is that after she killed him she kept yelling "I killed him" over and over just to guessed it..the echo!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

well the truth is he died from the black smoke..yep he's a goner!

Cheryl said...

He faced down the black smoke and was fine.

Crystal said...

Echo was killed by the big black smoke ghost.........weird!!

Crystal said...

Cheryl, did you drop your sister on her head as a baby????