Ryan's class had to predict if they thought March would come in like a lion or a lamb. They made either a lion or a lamb from a paper plate. They turned out really cute. Ryan and 3 other kids in his class choose lions, everyone else choose lambs. With the afternoon class the predictions were pretty even. Well the lions were right, we had yucky weather today. Oh well the lambs will have their day.
I cracked up when I saw your new post!!! Me and two of the girls I work with, were just talking this morning about the saying of will March come in like a lion or a lamb and they were teasing me because I had never heard that saying before!! Then I come check your blog and I saw this! I showed it to them and they were laughing! What a coincidence!
By the way, the lions and lambs are adoreable!! I wonder if Daws will be making one.
I zoomed in on the top picture and I noticed that Ry has a Cameron in is class! You know, when I named Cameron that 17 years ago, you never heard that name and could never find anything with his name on it and now Cameron's are everywhere!!!! I wonder if that will happen with Dawson's name too!
Those are cute. I can't wait for warm weather...whatever animal that is.
warm weather would be the lamb.
I can't believe you've never heard that saying and Ryan learned it in kindergarten. funny
I know, I need to watch that show called "Are you smarter than a kindergartner" Ha ha
it's 5th grader and we hated it. we thought that we would love it but we were very disappointed in it.
I know it's fifth grader, I was being funny.
Those are really cute! I'll have to remember to do that with the boys some year.
Those are really cute!!
I hope you are having a fabulous time in Chicago!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it and to see the cool pictures.....Miss you!
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